The Trust had a very successful meeting with owners in February this year held at Metlifecare in Palmerston North. The Special General Meeting was held so that owners could consider the proposal to build a new complex of 33 independent living units in a gated community for those in early retirement. This would be a joint venture with the Trusts existing Metlifecare partner, and this development would be built on the land across the road from the current retirement village. At the meeting owners voted overwhelmingly in support of the Trusts work to invest the properties at Carroll and Ngata Streets into this new aspect of the current retirement village.
The Directors from this Trust are the Chairman, Keith Hindle, and Jeanie Hughes. Alongside the Metlifecare Directors John Callandar, Glen Sowry and Richard Thomson, they visited Metlifecare sites in Auckland and that was a very useful exercise. They were very encouraged by the treatment of care model Metlifecare have advocated and this made them very positive in establishing more housing adjacent to the current village.
A committee which includes the Chairman and Keith Hindle have agreed to take the project quickly to the building stage.
Above: Impression of village design
Right: Proposed Metlifecare Development Site marked in red. The current retirement village is the area where the majority of housing has terracotta roofs