It has been two and a half years since the Honiana Te Puni pou was removed for repairs, and on 27 August he was rightfully resurrected to his home on Honiana Te Puni Reserve. He stands proud looking towards his tupuna in Taranaki.
Lead by Mark Te One, repaired and carved by Phil Nuku and whānau it has been a dedicated and careful journey getting this right, and he is finally at rest again.
Hutt City Council Councillors and staff, Petone Historic Places Trust, Trustees and our own Hīkoikoi Management team came together to celebrate his return.
As you drive past the Honiana Te Puni Reserve on the foreshore of Petone you will see Honiana Te Puni standing at the forefront of the reserve, tall and proud, as our once Paramount Chief.
We would like to acknowledge all those that supported this kaupapa.
Article written by Vicki Hollywell