Tribal Affiliations: Ngāruahine, Taranaki, Te Ātiawa, and Whakatōhea
Joining the Board over ten years ago, Aisha is a grandson of the late Rangimaimaiao
(King) and Julian Tamati Ross.
He is the Te Rau Matomato – Chief Executive Officer of Parininihi ki Waitōtara
Incorporation and brings a wealth of experience from across the investment,
technology and innovation, education, and public sectors. He has held several
senior leadership roles, previously as a General Partner at Hillfarrance Venture
Capital, an early-stage firm investing in high-growth technology. He currently holds
a number of directorships and trusteeships.
Aisha has a strong commitment to our kaupapa and is proud to support our people
in the pursuit of growth and prosperity. He holds an MBA from Waikato University
and Masters in Technological Futures from the Mind Lab New Zealand.