Did you know there is a whare on Matiu / Somes Island that is available for hire?
Whare Mahana - Matiu / Somes Island Accommodation
If you haven’t been out to the whare it’s worth it just to take in the view from the lounge window – it’s a picture perfect postcard of Wellington harbour from a whole new perspective.
Matiu / Somes Island is a predator free scientific reserve and is home to tuatara, wētā, fluttering shearwaters, penguin and much more. For nature lovers it is a great place to immerse yourself in taiao. Matiu and its inhabitants are cared for by the Department of Conservation who work in conjunction with the Harbour Islands Kaitiaki Board. Strict rules and regulations are in place around pest control and rubbish removal which all visitors must adhere to. There are a number of Department of Conservation houses on the island but Whare Mahana is managed by the Trusts Executive Office. For further information please email info@tekau.maori.nz
Whare Mahana is a great place to spend a night or two, or to simply pop into for a hot cuppa on a day trip! The whare accommodates up to 8 people, with nightly rates of $20 per adult and $10 per child. For all bookings and enquiries please contact the Executive Office via email info@tekau.maori.nz or phone 04 473 2402 or tollfree 0508 445 645.